Laser Tanks

by OwnlyMe

Vehicle Laser weapons, Electric Car, Tank & Train.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

b Crash on Startup

4 months ago

Failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype "lasertank" (car): Animation and light animation must have the same frame count: 1 != 2
Modifications: Laser Tanks › Afraid Of The Dark (enforced personal lights + more) › Ammo Loader+ › Hovercrafts

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

this mod doesn't touch those properties though (they are copied from the normal car)
does this happen to the normal car too without this mod being installed?

4 months ago

I have a similar issue. Combat Mechanics works fine without Laser Tanks installed. Laser Tanks works fine alone.

Failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype "lasertank" (car): Animation and light animation must have the same frame count: 1 != 2
Modifications: Laser Tanks › Combat Mechanics Overhaul

Further troubleshooting found the conflict to actually be with AAI Vehicles: Laser Tank. Your mod loads fine without it.

4 months ago

thanks, now it's fixed
i also added a new drifting system to the laser tank if you use AAI because it looks a bit like a hovercraft

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