Laser Tanks

by OwnlyMe

Vehicle Laser weapons, Electric Car, Tank & Train.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

b cannot place tank

5 years ago

when I try and place a tank on the floor an error pops up

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

whats the exact error message?
Everything works fine for me...
I can't fix it if i don't know the file, line and error. i don't even know if you are using 0.16 or 0.17.
If you also have other mods installed that do crazy stuff with vehicles, it would be helpful to know that too.

5 years ago

Error while running event laser_tanks::on_nth_tick(3)
Index out of inventory bounds.
stack traceback:
laser_tanks/control.lua:172:in function<laser_tanks/control.lua:73>
tack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:172: in function<laser_tanks/control.lua:73>

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

hmm, it's referring to the ammo inventory at an invalid position.
very weird.
it only tries to access the gun index 2 for the tank and gun index 1 for the car.
Does your tank have at least 2 weapons? it should have 3: cannon, rapid laser and flamethrower.
What mod could possibly mess with the weapons?
when i set the gun index to 4, i get the same error like you - but normally that would never happen.

5 years ago

I can't even Access the tank, I just place it and the game crashes.
about the mods, I have several of them, almost every bob's mod, almost every AAI mod, aircraft, helicopter, an many others

5 years ago

i'll try fixing it, sec..

5 years ago

thanks Will do

5 years ago

Ill let you know if it works

5 years ago

I cannot use it, this is for versión 0.16, doesn't work

5 years ago

the second one is for 0.17

5 years ago

oh, sorry, didnt see it

5 years ago

ok, almost, no more errors, but I cant mine the tank, I cant take it from the ground

5 years ago

this is very weird, usually this should only happen when a player is in the vehicle...
how is it now?
if it still doesn't work, try hovering the vehicle with the mouse and enter in the console: /c game.player.selected.minable = true

5 years ago

I'll try it now

5 years ago

OK, tried last version, still cannot mine, and also, always unfueled, I equip the tank with portable fusion reactors, but it doesnt move, and tells me it's unfueled

5 years ago

The unfueled issue also happened in the last two versions, it's not new, I just didn't realices until now

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

you have to put a (high voltage) transformer inside.
did you try the command i gave you? my mod doesn't mess with the minability of vehicles...
but i assume you can mine vehicles from other mods?
can you mine the car or the train from my mod?

5 years ago

Cannot mine your train, haven't tried with your car.
I can line other vehicles.
Haven't tried the command, I'll do it today.
Thanks for the tip about the transformer, I'll try that today too

5 years ago

theres another command that could help me get some insight, if setting the entity to minable = true doesnt work.
/c game.player.print(game.player.selected.prototype.mineable_properties.products[1].name)
this should output the item that's received from mining the entity.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

i think it would be best if you could send me a savegame so i can sync to your mods and identify what mod is causing that, and maybe talk with it's author about finding a fix on their end since it seems to be a very intrusive issue which is probably not intended.

5 years ago

Sounds like a good idea, but how can I send you my savegame?, I mean, I know where it's located on my pc, but how can I send it to you?

5 years ago

OK, I just try and executed the command you gave me, and still cannot mine it

5 years ago

you could upload them to some file hosting website or send me a private message on the forum that you attach the file to

5 years ago

ok, ill do it

5 years ago

Thats where I have my saved game, take a look and see if you find the error
all ítems are free and instantly delivered, because I had a creative mode mod, I deleted it, but aparently the free ítems remain, if you want to change that you should install creative mode mod again

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

there are quite some mods that i couldn't get by syncing.. is this a savegame from 0.16? the date of the file on github also says 7 months ago..
With this setup i wasn't able to reproduce the issue with picking up the tank.

5 years ago

The game is v017, the repo was created before, but yes, that's my current game, and I cannot remove your tank

5 years ago

can you try uploading another savegame with the mod enabled please?

5 years ago


5 years ago

Give me 5 minutes

5 years ago

do you have any mods that you manually updated to 0.17 by editing them yourself?

5 years ago

no, I dont make mods, I wouldnt even know how to do that

5 years ago

I am very deeply profoundly sorry, I had you spinning arround with something thats not even you fault, I just found out its not just you tank I cant mine, I can mine some vehicles, and some others I cannot, I'm going to try and find the common mod

5 years ago

yeah i knew that already dont worry ;)

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