🌐 Enable All Planet Mods

by Kryzeth

Simply has every currently available standalone planet mod on the mod portal as a forced requirement. Glorified shortcut to quickly enable all planets, moons, space locations, and exoplanetary systems (mainly used for compatibility testing). 🌐

Mod packs
20 days ago

i [Implemented] another new planet: Cubium

a month ago

Aye, beat me to my own mod. Only negative is that the space-location of Cubium might clash with something else. I know that area can be a bit busy, and I'm happy to change it.

Really struggled with where to put it. Distance from star actually conveys important information, that should be consistent.

  1. Relative Solar Power
  2. Asteroid difficulty. (Inner planet route, vs to Aquilo route, vs to edge vs shattered planet.)
  3. Ice or no Ice.

Solar power is in between Vulcanus and Gleba
Planet should be done after conquering any other planet.
No ice. Its a warm place.
Game play wise I want solar power to be viable.

Open to suggestions about location adjustments.

a month ago

Yea, your mod is probably necessary to manage all these planets...

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

In regards to tiered solar system, I kinda dislike it from an aesthetic standpoint, though I can't deny it looks better than the current situation (for the other planets). And from a purely gameplay standpoint, it is definitely clean and efficient, conveying the necessary information at a glance.

However, even without tiered solar system, I wouldn't say Cubium is in the worst position...

a month ago

I'd be interested to get aesthetic feedback on Tiered/Organized!

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Well, my issues with it aren't really anything you can "fix", it's more of a foundational problem.. more like, "it's not the solution I would personally use, but I can understand why others would".

It might just be a difference in taste? Because when I look at the second preview image (with the additional modded planets), I can't help but think it looks "weird", yet I can't really place a finger on why. Maybe because the lines connecting the planets seem long and stretched? Or maybe because it seems very linear.. but that's kind of the point, isn't it? To smooth out progression by making it a little more obvious in which order you should tackle each planet. So then maybe it's because the solar system starts to look "gameified", if that makes any sense?

Oh, actually, I might be able to think of a few problems with it; interaction with "moons"? They are technically still "planets", but they generally only connect to their parent planets. Frozeta (moon of Secretas) seems a little odd directly connecting to another planet... Second potential issue, the space locations added by the Dyson Sphere mod (seen in the image above) might also pose a problem?

EDIT: Actually, I'll take those last two to your discussion thread instead; seems more appropriate

a month ago

Like the vanilla space map with mods, it is not particularly 'designed' in that the positions are automatically generated from the tier value list. But yes, if you post there I will be happy to discuss further!

New response