The Konami code
The Konami code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start) might be the most famous code in game history. The code was first used in the release of Gradius (1986) and has been implemented in many other games ever since. Factorio is no longer an exception!
How it works
By default the code in Factorio works with the actual Up/Down/Left/Right keys, even though WASD is widely accepted as movement keyset. Next to that the Enter key is used since keyboards generally don't contain a Start button. Activate the code by pressing Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter sequentially to get a health boost. Activate the code twice to reach true immortality.
This mod tracks the health bonus status per player in a variable. If for some reason the health bonus of the player gets changed (for example by another mod) then re-applying the code does not work. This internal status can be reset by using command /konami_reset.
Known issues
- None, feel free to open a bug report
- Investigate if it is possible to capture all user input instead of having to use dedicated custom input shortcuts
Collaborations welcome
- Start a discussion with your ideas
- Open a pull request on Github
- Report issues under discussions