King Jo's 88mm Pak 43

Adds a German 88mm Pak 43.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Combat

g Beautiful!

3 years ago

This is incredible, another great KingJo mod. I can't wait to check this out!

I have access to some non-commercial use free assets via modding I've done for other games & from those communities..I know not a thing about asset implementation in a 2.5D world but if there are any particular models you're looking for I can try to find them for you!

I may learn how to do it its been driving me nuts that I can't use your Servos skull with Bob's Logistics mod..we'll see xD

Keep up the good work! :)

3 years ago

I've made a tutorial on how to turn a 3D model into a spritesheet:

I'm always looking for cool tank models or Warhammer 40K related stuff. E.g. I can't find a really good Space Marine model since I wanted to make an ingame character skin out of it.

If you link me the Bob's Logistics Mod I could have a look and see what I can do in the direction of compatibility.


3 years ago

I know there are some Space Marine related mods on the Fallout 4 Nexus, I'll see who knows who and who owns what and see if I can come up with something!

Bob's logistic mod ( ) creates tiers of the units, and as much as I love Bob's mods..the colored bots are horrid little creatures xP. If it is something you could do quickly, that would be incredible! If not, no worries :)

Thank you for the video! Watching now- although honestly aside from the Servos skulls, I can't think of anything I'd even like to tinker with now. I'm sure that tutorial will come in handy though!

3 years ago

Update is out.

3 years ago

Update is out.

You're the best! Thanks :)

3 years ago

It does not appear to auto attack with AAI AI in it-I was hoping to use them as turrets, is it because there is no fuel? Also would make them a bit more useful if the shells could arc a bit to not collide with adjacent walls (if that isn't possible, no shell collision with walls?). Either way, it looks great in the game!

I took a look around for Space Marine models..ran into your comments a few times xD. I'm keeping an eye out though :)

3 years ago

I don't know if AAI checks for fuel before shooting but as a player can just shoot it, an AI should be able too.

I'll see if I can change the wall shooting behaviour

3 years ago

Friendly fire is no more.
(one line of code in each ammo prototype XD)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Friendly fire is no more.
(one line of code in each ammo prototype XD)

Thank you! I had done this myself (and made it so I could target Flying creatures with the pak, ( target_type = "entity no ",target_type = "position", courtesy of of the same mod ..I know its not a Flak 18/36/37/41 works :) ) but I appreciate the update!

I'll have to do some more testing with AAI hm..not sure what is going on there

3 years ago

I can say with 100% certainty that the AAI AI versions do not defend themselves or attack. Not a huge deal considering its just a gun :)

3 years ago

Heya KingJo

Loving the War Rig! I made a Highway system stretching from Central Canada to Maine just to use it xD

Regarding Warhammer models.. here are some things I found! I don't see a place to PM you so..rezzing this convo. I did not find a free Space Marine.. if that is something you still are looking for and if you find a model you can use I'd likely be willing to purchase the right for you. Most of the ones I seen were reasonably priced.

Here are some random things I found. I'm sure you've seen most of them but..anyways

A Bunker- I could see some possible uses as a turret\a place to garrison yourself and attack from (kind of the way the Pak works)

Thunderhawk (there are a lot of free aircraft, picked this at random)-
Landspeeder -
Shocktrooper -
SpaceMarine Barracks - (warning- the video plays loud music ><)
A uh..."minilit" -
Armoured container -

3 years ago


that bunker might be worth a look.

A while ago I wanted to make the Taxi from the 5th element. But only in combination with a functionality like the helicopter mod. I looked into that and was confused on level 9000. SO MUCH FUCKING code. So I didn't bother ^^. But if i get to understand and use the vertical lift off mechanic and all that stuff, flying vehicles might come.

I know the Shock Trooper, I just didn't bother doing anything in direction of animating since it's SO much work to do all the positions I didn't wanna waste it on a Shock Trooper.

Dunno what to do with the barracks other than using it later in a spawning point use.

No idea what a minilit is.

Nice container but who cares. Maybe as part of a project but not as standalone.

Im currently looking into opening a Patreon so I can pay for models or ppl can request mods.

3 years ago

I do like the bunker.. No idea what a minilit is either, I had thought for some reason late last night it was a chaos marine building..clearly necron xD
The barracks..Maybe a delivery point for the SE Delivery Cannon or even a replacement for the K2 shelter but no Idea what it'd be good for in the vanilla game unfortunately.

I am completely unfamiliar with LUA, I've figured out enough to bash PY stuff into my K2\SpaceExploration game without breaking everything but the helicopter..that is one complicated & wonderful mod. It extends out of my range of knowledge (Which is only texturing ..and hacking and slashing other people's code until it does what I want xD).

Keep us updated on your Patreon!

3 years ago

Is it possible to make a replacement spritesheet? ie) convert a WW2 fighter into a sprite sheet, and replace one of the sheets from the Aircraft mod.

I have no idea if such replacements are possible- are the dimensions \ data from the sheets specific & controlled in the scripts?

3 years ago

You can change whatever graphic you want without the need to change scripts. The aircraft mod is kinda lame compared to the helicopter. It just makes the cars use an air-object collision mask.

3 years ago

It certainly is! However..with the Aircraft Drones mod (somebody made a fix so it can be used in 1.1 ! ) you can setup legit airfields and call in airstrikes. They airfield models have WW2 vibes & with all of the Panzer IV's I have..I'm thinking some WW2 planes and strafing runs would really make that something!

3 years ago

Keep us updated on your Patreon!

There it is:

3 years ago

Missed the notification for this-

Saw the updates for the Panzer IV though- thanks :D

New response