Flyers Enemy deprecated

by Pidas82

EN- New flying enemies. Updated for version 1.1

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Rockets don't kill them?

3 years ago

I had multiple spidertrons launching rockets at them but they seemed to laugh them off, are they just stupid resistant to anything that doesn't do anti air damage? The turrets that do that damage type don't seem to even fire at them.

3 years ago

I uses Explosive Rockets that should work against them. Normal Rocktes are less effektive.

3 years ago

Yeah I've got modded rockets that do even more damage but they don't seem to do damage to these things

3 years ago

to hit flyer you need ammo function--- target_type = "entity no ",target_type = "position",

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

The funny thing is I could hit them with my rockets but the spidertrons I had set up around my base could not, anywho they have stopped spawning for some reason so I guess I'm good? I'm running rampant as well (complete with the extra factions) so maybe that has something to do with it...

ETA: perhaps it was my point defense firing as my spidertron got closer.

3 years ago


3 years ago

I don't know where is problem

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