Keep off the grass and off my planet silly goose

by Quezler

Admins can prevent players from interacting with certain surfaces.

29 days ago
Enemies Manufacturing


Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2024. 11. 19
    - Mod portal release
Version: 0.0.2
Date: 2024. 11. 19
    - Allow toggling the groundskeeper shortcut
    - List all the surfaces
    - Turn force based hidden surfaces grey
    - Grey out surfaces of hidden planets too
    - Support localised surface names
    - Add player dropdown
    - Move player dropdown to the right
    - Resolve selected player
    - Prepare storage
    - Add blacklisted players to surfacedata
    - List players banned from a surface
    - Attempt and fail to add headers
    - Cleanup failed headers
    - Shuffle some margins around
    - Actually toggle with the dropdown
    - Prevent player from remote viewing a surface they are blacklisted on
    - Cleanup remote view canceling code
    - Stash debugging how dying should work
    - Fix returning to body not forcing a respawn if you were on a blacklisted surface
    - Make blacklist changes take effect immediately
    - Explain that trespassers will die
    - Only enable the dropdown for admins
    - Make the respawn surface configurable
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 2024. 11. 19
    - Initial commit