Krastorio 2 Wind Turbine

This is simple extraction of the wind turbine from Krastorio 2 ( All credits go to original mod developers and maintainers: raiguard, Krastor and Linver. Thank you guys for this beautiful mod in general and this tiny cute turbine in particular. Added settings for power generation level

12 hours ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Surface wind speed

1 year, 4 months ago
(updated 1 year, 4 months ago)

Hi, I was just looking for a stand alone wind turbine mod. But there is no check on the surface wind strenth. I've mada a mod that each planet visited, the wind power is differente. Also, underground levels has no wind. I would be awesome if it could produce power according surface wind speed...
Something for reference:

1 year, 4 months ago

This is a nice idea, but there are 2 reasons for me not to do it:
- This requires much scripting which I'm not really good at and final result might end up being buggy unplayable junk
- The whole idea of this particular mod is to yoink a lovely wind turbine that I was looking at for a long time

1 year, 4 months ago

I think I may help with scripting...
I also love these turbines, and they as satandalone mod is awesome

1 year, 4 months ago

Wow, that looks cool. I checked a code and I understood not much, but it seems you are reffering to surface's parameter "wind_speed" but never set it yourself, right? It sounds like it is possible also to make wind_speed in vanilla and handle it by ourselves, no? What I mean, even if you got say only one surface you are still able to make some kind of wind speed fluctuation based on let's say current tick number since last minute. Wind speed could be at least sin(). This logic can start to play only when you do not have wind_speed parameter on current surface. You can see geothermal generators from Satisfactory as reference: there is a global sin-like function that defines how much energy each geothermal generator produces in each moment of time

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