Whenever i try to launch the game with the mod enabled it gives me this error
8.535 Error ModManager.cpp:1625: Failed to load mod "janky-quality": janky-quality/prototypes/quality_bonuses.lua:62: attempt to index field 'results' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
janky-quality/prototypes/quality_bonuses.lua:62: in function 'mod'
janky-quality/prototypes/items_and_entities.lua:42: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
janky-quality/data-updates.lua:25: in main chunk
8.537 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
8.922 Checksum for core: 3215923532
8.972 Error ModManager.cpp:1625: Error in assignID: recipe-category with name 'crafting' does not exist.
If needed, this is my mod list
Additional_Earlygame_Inventory_Research = "1.0.0",
AdvancedAssemblyMachineStandalone = "0.9.5",
AdvancedSubstation = "1.10.0",
Aircraft = "1.8.6",
AircraftRealism = "1.5.6",
ArmouredBiters = "1.1.9",
["Better-Power-Armor-Grid"] = "5.0.1",
["Better-TrainHorn"] = "1.0.2",
Big_Brother = "0.5.4",
BottleneckLite = "1.2.8",
Clockwork = "1.1.1",
DeadlockLargerLamp = "1.5.1",
DiscoScience = "1.1.3",
FNEI = "0.4.2",
FluidMustFlow = "1.3.5",
FuelTrainStop = "1.1.0",
Honk = "5.0.0",
Induction_ChargingGX = "2.0.10",
InfiniteTech = "1.0.2",
["Kux-CoreLib"] = "2.11.0",
["Kux-OrbitalIonCannon"] = "2.4.1",
Laboratory_Productivity = "1.4.0",
["Load-Furn-2"] = "0.1.3",
["Orphan Finder"] = "1.1.3",
["Personal-Roboport-Mk3"] = "4.1.0",
PumpLandfill = "0.1.0",
Robocharger = "1.3.1",
SantasNixieTubeDisplay = "0.1.12",
SpaceModFeorasFork = "1.2.10",
SpidertronEnhancements = "1.9.1",
SpidertronPatrols = "2.4.10",
["Squeak Through"] = "1.8.2",
Teleporters = "1.0.5",
TinyStart = "1.1.1",
["True-Nukes"] = "0.3.33",
["True-Nukes-Graphics"] = "0.0.1",
UnlimitedProductivity = "1.4.3",
VehicleSnap = "1.18.5",
VehicleTrails = "1.1.1",
Warheads = "0.0.19",
["aai-programmable-vehicles"] = "0.7.25",
["aai-signals"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-chaingunner"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-flame-tank"] = "0.5.1",
["aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-ironclad"] = "0.6.8",
["aai-vehicles-laser-tank"] = "0.6.4",
["advanced-centrifuge"] = "1.0.3",
["advanced-chemical-plant"] = "1.3.2",
["alien-biomes"] = "0.6.8",
["alien-biomes-hr-terrain"] = "0.6.1",
ballistic_missile = "0.1.4",
base = "1.1.104",
beautiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships = "1.3.5",
["belt-balancer-performance"] = "3.2.0",
["belt-visualizer"] = "1.3.5",
["better-victory-screen"] = "0.2.12",
["big-mining-drill"] = "0.1.1",
bobenemies = "1.2.0",
bobinserters = "1.2.0",
boblibrary = "1.2.0",
bobpower = "1.2.1",
["cargo-ships"] = "0.2.6",
["cargo-ships-graphics"] = "0.2.1",
["combat-mechanics-overhaul"] = "0.6.24",
["deadlock-beltboxes-loaders"] = "2.4.2",
["ev-personal-defence"] = "2.0.0",
["ev-refining"] = "2.5.3",
["even-distribution"] = "1.0.10",
["exotic-industries-fueler"] = "0.1.2",
["exotic-industries-robots"] = "0.1.0",
["exotic-industries-tanks"] = "0.1.0",
["exotic-industries-trains"] = "0.0.2",
["extra-storage-tank-minibuffer"] = "0.1.4",
flib = "0.13.0",
["grappling-gun"] = "0.3.3",
heroturrets = "1.1.22",
informatron = "0.3.4",
["janky-quality"] = "0.1.32",
jetpack = "0.3.14",
liborio = "1.1.1",
["luckys-incinerator"] = "1.0.2",
["more-fusion-reactors"] = "4.1.0",
pump = "1.3.4",
qol_research = "3.3.3",
["recipe-tweaker"] = "0.0.9",
["resource-finder"] = "0.1.2",
["rusty-locale"] = "1.0.16",
["shield-projector"] = "0.1.6",
simhelper = "1.1.6",
["solar-calc"] = "0.3.11",
["solar-productivity"] = "0.3.5",
["spidertron-extended"] = "0.3.16",
stdlib = "1.4.8",
textplates = "0.6.10",
["train-upgrader"] = "1.0.5",
["underwater-pipes"] = "3.1.0",
["upgraded_gas-generator"] = "0.1.8"