Janky quality (BETA) deprecated

Implements a janky version of Factorio Space Age quality

9 months ago

b [NotABug] Created quality item disappears while crafting

1 year, 1 month ago

This with with a normal quality AS2 with 2 Q1 lvl 1 quality modules, crafting an uncommon personal battery using uncommon ingredients. I watched the item slowly craft, and upon completion it disappeared.

This only happened once, I made other batteries in the same machine with more uncommon mats and no issues.


1 year, 1 month ago

Since this might be related issue, I'll include this in the thread as well:

I had a crafted item yield 2 different qualities at the same time. AS2 with 2 lvl 1 Q1 quality modules, crafting an uncommon personal roboport with uncommon items. Yielded both an uncommon and rare personal roboport at the same time, I personally watched this happen. There was exactly enough ingredients in the machine for one craft, just to dispel the possibility of there being 2 separate crafts.

1 year, 1 month ago

Not a bug. This is due to how the quality probabilities were implemented in this mod.

In Factorio, recipes with probability have each result rolled individually. This causes the issues you have experienced.

When it's small production values, it is noticeable, but when it's a large production, it averages out over time.

This is not something I can fix, and marking as such.

1 year, 1 month ago

No problem, just wanted to bring it to your attention. I destroyed the other item to keep the immersion lol.

Thanks again, I'm really liking your mod.

1 year, 1 month ago

It was known. I will add it to known issues so it's clearer.

New response