Janky quality (BETA) deprecated

Implements a janky version of Factorio Space Age quality

9 months ago

b [Fixed] Major incompatibility with text plates

1 year, 2 months ago

When text plates is enabled along with your mod, the recipe count gets inflated massively, causing the game to exceed the hardcoded 65k recipe limit.
From my factorio.log, when I use text plates, the recipe count before JQ is 230, while the recipe count after is 162,436. For perspective, with just JQ enabled, the recipe count before is 212 and the recipe count after is 45,886.

I suspect there's some kind of loop going on in the code of either Text Plates or this mod that's causing recipes to be counted multiple times. The easiest solution would likely be to disable Text Plates having quality.

1 year, 2 months ago

Nothing proper that I can really do about it. I'll consider adding a compatibility layer to support denying quality recipes for items/recipe with specific name patterns.

1 year, 2 months ago

Each plate is an item. There are 400+ of them. Each one gets 5 quality levels, and a recycling recipe for all 15 variations. Yea that won't work :P

I need to see if it's possible to make a "don't quality this please" list.

1 year, 1 month ago

Fixed by filtering out text plates from having quality

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