Incinerator - Item Incineration

Too much stuff? Not enough pollution? Incinerate! This mod adds a variant of the electric smelter that you can use to burn (almost) anything to ash, which in turn can be compacted to landfill. But be careful - burning all that stuff emits lots of pollution. Features a host of configurable settings for quickly burning things into thin air, toggling pollution, and more! Fact: 9/10 biters would recommend this mod to a friend.

10 months ago
Manufacturing Cheats

g Block of ash

1 year, 6 months ago

What should I do with the ash block produced by the machine? Where do I use it?

[deleted message]
1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

What should I do with the ash block produced by the machine? Where do I use it?

Hey - Blocks of ash can be used in an assembly machine to create landfill - the recipe is 100 blocks of ash to 1 landfill. Thanks :)

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