Inventory Templates

by azaghal

Import and export inventory filters as blueprints.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Storage Blueprints

i Crash with Bluprints

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

So i started a new save as i where loading blueprints it crashed. This was not caused by a book but rather a single BP from "my blueprints"

The mod Inventory Templates (2.0.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event inventory-templates::on_player_cursor_stack_changed (ID 33)
BlueprintRecord cannot be read while it is a preview.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_blueprint_entities'
inventory-templates/scripts/utils.lua:106: in function 'get_held_blueprint_entities'
inventory-templates/scripts/main.lua:75: in function 'update_button_visibility'
inventory-templates/scripts/handlers.lua:18: in function <inventory-templates/scripts/handlers.lua:16>

a month ago

Hello Sgamez,

Thank you for reporting the issue :)

Just on a glance, should be easy to fix (there is a property to check if the blueprint/record is in preview mode), there some corner case I would need to figure out.

One thing that would be interesting for me to know is - are you able to reliably reproduce the crash, and what are the reproduction steps? Is this on some kind of multiplayer server? I am asking since I would like to cause the same crash locally to fully test the scenario/fix and to check the said corner case.

Best regards,

a month ago

Awesome thanks have had this issue be a bit annoying thanks for finally looking in to it
The crash happens every time i load a blueprint in a new yes is can be done over and over again want to talk about the issues see me at @sgamez discord.
Should be on the factorio sever too.

a month ago

Hello Sgamez,

Unfortunately, I do not use Discord, but... I have created a new release that should fix the crash. Emphasis on should since I have not been able to easily reproduce the problem locally (but I think the fix is straightforward). The only drawback I can think of is that you may need to re-grab blueprints if they are still being synced. So have a go at version 2.0.2, and let me know if the crashes have stopped for you.

Best regards,

a month ago


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