Inventory Templates

by azaghal

Import and export inventory filters as blueprints.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Storage Blueprints

i [IMPLEMENTED] Support for Factorio game version 2.0

4 months ago

Please migrate this to v2.0

4 months ago

Hello saaadel,

I am slowly working through my mod backlog for the upgrades (and hitting a snag or two here and there). I have just done some preliminary testing with this one, and I think the porting should be fairly straightforward - just need to test some migration/upgrade paths from version 1.1 of the game.

Best regards,

4 months ago

Hello ssaaadel,

I just pushed the release for game version 2.0. Doing some quick testing on my side, seems to work fine, although feel free to report any issues you may encounter.

There is one known issue, though - and that is that inventory templates cannot be used with the ghost entities (cars etc). From what I can tell, currently there is no way to access filter info on ghost entities (same functions I use for regular entities don't have any effect).

Best regards,

4 months ago

anyway it's perfect.
Thank you!

4 months ago

Crashed =) I took blueprint book in the hands from the blueprint library.

The mod Inventory Templates (2.0.0) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event inventory-templates::on_player_cursor_stack_changed (ID 32)
Record is not a BlueprintRecord.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_blueprint_entities'
inventory-templates/scripts/utils.lua:106: in function 'get_held_blueprint_entities'
inventory-templates/scripts/main.lua:75: in function 'update_button_visibility'
inventory-templates/scripts/handlers.lua:18: in function <inventory-templates/scripts/handlers.lua:16>

4 months ago

Hello saaadel,

Thanks for letting me know about the crash, I have opened up a new thread over here, and I will close down this one:

Just helps me keep things a bit tidy - so make sure to subscribe to that thread to get reply notifications :)

Best regards,

4 months ago

(and it also kinda increases the visibility for other people)

This thread has been locked.