Inventory Templates

by azaghal

Import and export inventory filters as blueprints.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Storage Blueprints

b [FIXED] Doesn't seem to work with filter capable linked chests.

2 years ago

I have a modded linked chest that DOES support filters, however, the buttons to export/import the filter settings do not show up.

2 years ago

Hello CaitSith2,

Thanks for reporting the issue. So... Had a quick look, and I think I need to tweak the code ever so slightly to support the linked container entity. Currently I only support cars, characters, containers, and spidertrons.

You can expect a fix to be released tomorrow. :)

2 years ago

As a side-question... The main use-case for me when I started working on this mod was to be able to blueprint filters for vehicles/spidertrons - since those cannot be captured via vanilla game blueprints. I've added support for containers for completeness sake, but normally regular filtered chests are less of an issue since vanilla game handles them well via regular blueprinting.

So, would you care to explain your use-case for this mod? It's more for me to understand how helpful it is to blueprint the filters in this manner :)

2 years ago

Linked chests also natively do not support copying of filter/bar settings via blueprint, so this mod would be useful for that purpose. The only thing blueprints copy from linked chests is the ID.

2 years ago

Also of note, checking entity type is container, only works explicitly on the non-logistic containers. You have to check for container, logistic-container, infinity-container for the container class, and linked-container, which is in its own prototype group. regardless, item_main works on all of them. the gui relative part has container and linked_container as separate defines. I did submit a pull request to the repo that fixes all of that.

2 years ago

Hello CaitSith2,

I have just pushed a new release based on your PR and suggestions with support for linked/logistic containers, so feel free to give it a go and let me know if it works well for you :)

I've done a separate commit since I wanted things reformatted a bit, but thanks for submitting the PR and providing the extra info on GUI anchors/container types :)

Best regards,

2 years ago

Ok, and now I've uploaded version 1.1.1 with proper fix for infinity chests :)

8 months ago

I'd normally wait for confirmation, but it has been a while, so I'll mark off the issue as fixed and close of the topic.

Thank you once again for reporting the issue :)

Best regards,

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