Inventory Templates

by azaghal

Import and export inventory filters as blueprints.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Storage Blueprints

g Logistic & Trash slots?

2 years ago

Does this also work with Logistic and Trash slots?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

No, this mod works just with inventory filters. My primary use-case was ability to set filters on car/spidertron inventory.

However... (shameless plug) I did release a mod that operates on personal logistics requests (provided that you want to be able to export/import requests using blueprints):

And currently I am planning on implementing something similar for the equipment grid as well (again, primarily for use with spidertrons).

2 years ago

Awesome! Link didn't work for some reason, but found it in your profile.

2 years ago

Ah, it didn't like the trailing slash, I've update the link in the post :)

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