Integrated Circuitry

by judos

Status bars, compact-combinators to hide your gigantic circuitry inside a 2x2 entity with has 12 io-ports, circuit-poles, optimized lamps for displays. (All UPS friendly)

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18
Circuit network

b power lines (copper) around compact combinator do not connect to each other correctly

4 years ago

Thanks for the updated version that fixed the deconstruction and rotation bugs!

I noticed one other bug: it looks like there are invisible power connections (copper) between external IO ports and nearby power poles, and the number of these connections can prevent power poles from connecting to each other normally. This is especially noticeable when
- building power poles in the vicinity of compact combinators, often the preview wires between power poles are not created when the power pole is placed, and can leave the new power pole without power.
- when placing blueprints which include a compact combinator and surrounding power poles, power poles often do not connect power at all.

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