Integrated Circuitry

by judos

Status bars, compact-combinators to hide your gigantic circuitry inside a 2x2 entity with has 12 io-ports, circuit-poles, optimized lamps for displays. (All UPS friendly)

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18
Circuit network

b crash when clicking a compact combinator that was built by drones [fixed in 0.18.0]

4 years ago

i could build and delete the compact combinator without problems, and enter and leave too, but only when built manually. when i placed a compact combinator ghost and my bots (drones from the "construction drones" mod by klonan) built it, it didn't show the four letter icons in the center and on clicking on it, the mod crashed with this message :

The mod Integrated Circuitry (0.1.8) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event integratedCircuitry::on_gui_opened (ID 83)
integratedCircuitry/control/compact-combinator.lua:61: attempt to index local 'data' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
integratedCircuitry/control/compact-combinator.lua:61: in function 'open'
integratedCircuitry/libs/control/gui.lua:124: in function <integratedCircuitry/libs/control/gui.lua:114>

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

If there's setup being done on a built event, it'll need to trigger for bot built events too. I think there's like 5 different events now that you need to listen for to capture all possible ways of building something.

script.on_event(, on_built)
script.on_event(, on_built)
script.on_event(, on_built)
script.on_event(, on_built)
script.on_event( , on_built)

4 years ago

Thanks, didn't know these events exist.
Fixed with 0.18.0 (soon to be released)

New response