Inbuilt Lighting

Adds free lighting to power poles and optionally turrets as a QOL feature. Intended for map/zoomed out view and streaming/YouTube pre night vision. Blueprint friendly as they are regular power poles.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g fork ?

4 years ago

Hello, you mod are a fork of street lamp ?

but without cost...

4 years ago

No, made from scratch. History of mod is in this old discussion.

4 years ago

why make "new mod" when you could just help the main dev to maintener the street lamp original mod .?

4 years ago

because according to the mod portal created dates my mod existed before street lamps did. If that is the case you're better off asking street lamps creator why they didn't add to mine or to the Lighted Power Poles mod.