once 2.x drops do not expect new 1.x mods from me, mods will be slowly ported based on my needs and/or requests from the community, thx for playing!
When you place this combinator the mod adds some hidden combinators to a hidden surface that do the actual math,
if you wish this surface can be visited with /c game.player.teleport({0, 0}, "inactivity-combinator")
if you want to see how it works.
This combinator only expects red signals as an input, good luck trying to connect a green wire to the input side btw,
also you should avoid sending the virtual T signal as that is currently used internally to keep track of the ticks passed.
My main usecase is to detect when a conveyor stops moving, to do so just connect this combinator to a belt on read pulse mode,
alternatively you can also ignore full conveyors by checking for read hold since this mod only outputs when all red signals are 0.