hyperkiller addons

Adds 2 tiers Mining Drills, Solar Panel, and Accumulators that are costly but powerful and also lets you upgrade beginning machines to the late game machines.

5 years ago
0.14 - 0.17

b Error during launch

7 years ago

I've been using your Mod and even updating it as you release newer versions. And after playing a couple hours, upon trying to launch my game again I get the following error message: The given sprite rectangle (left_top=0x0, right-bottom=64x64) is outside the actual sprite size (left_top=0x0, right bottom=32x32).
Sprite name: __hyperkiller-addons_/graphics/radar.png

The funny thing is that I checked the image myself, and it is indeed 32x32, as I even tried replacing it with another image of 32x32, but alas no difference.

I was unable to find any entry mentioning 64x64 so I could manually modify it and try again, but it was working!

7 years ago


I managed to get around the issue by actually resizing the image to 64x64 pixels (btw, your current icons are very low rez, you should rerender them to match the new hi-rez thumbs).

I then launched and loaded the game, saved it again and changed the size. After this, I was able to load it normally. It appears the game loads a cache of items used from the latest save. upon startup

7 years ago

I think I fixed it for version .2, Sorry about that as I did not get that error when I started mine, Thanks for reporting!

New response