Hard crafting

by judos

Modifies vanilla crafting and smelting to be much trickier, you will need better planning and more clever setup

1 year, 6 days ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Space Age Update

2 months ago

Will this be updated to work with Space Age? I imagine since we have fluid based smelting on Vulcanus there is an easy alternative to this. Or you could try your hand at adding the extra complexity to that form of smelting. Either way, seeing a return of this mod would make me happy, thank you for creating it!

2 months ago

I totally agree. I am the maintainer only. I want to gain a lot of experience with SpaceAge before I try to expand HardCrafting. Maybe I'll find time to at least offer it on Nauvis. But honestly, SpaceAge is so addictive that I don't feel the need to play a game-changing mod at the moment.
Maybe @judos will wake up and take over again.

2 months ago

maybe extra output with superheated titanite it spoil into workable titanite and then spoil into stone,it will make you make a setup wait for it to be spoil

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