Hard crafting

by judos

Modifies vanilla crafting and smelting to be much trickier, you will need better planning and more clever setup

1 year, 25 days ago
0.13 - 1.1


Version: 1.0.11
Date: 2024-02-29
    - hardcrafting-smaller-ore-stacks-setting improved: Change stacksize of all actual ores and also related material
Version: 1.0.10
Date: 2023-12-09
    - Interface handling for railloader and railloader-MXO improved (refresh ore-list also when loading a savegame)
Version: 1.0.9
Date: 2023-12-06
    - Interface handling for railloader and railloader-MXO improved
Version: 1.0.8
Date: 2023-12-05
Version: 1.0.7
Date: 2023-12-05
    - Some finetuning to curb the gravel glut in the late game
    - Why shouldn't the big-processing-machine have 4 module slots? It's big, isn't it?
Version: 1.0.6
Date: 2023-05-29
    - Support for railloader added: What are ores?
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 2023-03-18
    - icon setup for advanced-oil-technology corrected
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 2021-03-25
    - fixing when setting is off the corresponding icons are undefined
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2021-03-25
    - icons in settings
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2021-02-17
    - icons in autoplace controls
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2020-12-04
    - icon setup for steel-2-technology corrected
    - crafting of logistic-buffer-chest now creates crap metall like all other logisitic chests
Version: 1.0
Date: 2020-11-21
    - Upgrade to 1.1
    - Reordering icons in crafting and item views
Version: 0.18.3
Date: 2020-05-02
    - icons for recipes improved. Mainly to distinguish alternative ways to produce things
    - locales (en, de) improved
Version: 0.18.2
Date: 2020-03-21
    - I like complexity. But according to KonMari method one should ask: "Does this complexity create joy to me?"
      In case of self-feeding coal mining setup with burner miners this is actually not the case.
      That's why I set the number of fuel slots to 2 (Can be configured for people who answer the KonMari question differently).
Version: 0.18.1
Date: 2020-01-30
    - icon size issue for receipes
Version: 0.18.0
Date: 2020-01-22
    - Upgrade to 0.18
    - renamed property pollution_absorption_per_second
    - icon size issue
Version: 0.17.3
Date: 2019-09-01
    - Fix rich-copper-ore map color (should be similar to vanilla)
    - reduce rich-ore density and spawn frequency (they should be rare)
    - disable logging (sometimes ingame chat messages appeared)
    - fix scrap-metal can't be incinerated, prevent coal from getting incinerated
Version: 0.17.2
Date: 2019-08-11
    - Changed research recipes of pulverizer and big processing machine to be less annoying
    - Provide copper-dust production from rich copper ore at big processing machine too
    - Recipes reordered for big processing machine
    - Improved some locales
    - fixed problems with mod "cargo ships"
Version: 0.17.1
Date: 2019-07-02
    - Updated to 0.17.53
    - fixed big-processing-machine next_upgrade bug
    - fixed problems when patching iron and copper smelting
    - technology dependency between electronics and logistics removed
Version: 0.17.0
Date: 2019-06-26
    - Updated to 0.17
Version: 0.5.0
Date: 2016-09-05
    - factorio 0.14.x
    - updated technology icons
Version: 0.4.0
Date: 2016-06-29
    - port mod to work with factorio 0.13.x
    - removed rail recipe changes
    - smart-long-inserter is now a long-filter-inserter
    - move belt-sorter into separate mod
Version: 0.3.0
Date: 2016-03-11
    - fixed minable_results not consistent by factorio (manual vs automatic mining -> storage_slots)
    - fixed Localization for changed recipes (metal-scrap)
    - properly ordered recipes + items into correct subgroups
    - landfill recipes changed -> burning landfill takes a lot more time
    - balancing gravel/dirt output -> dirt can now be dried which creates less amount of dried dirt
    - fixed icons for slag/sludge processing
    - pulverizer: coal -> coal dust, sulfur -> sulfur-dust
    - coal field -> coal dust, coal
    - improving Incinerator
    - steel-dust (from coal-dust + pulverized-iron) gives cheaper steel
    - expensive recipes produce metal-scrap as byproduct (only for placeable items)
    - dirt texture (fixed o, u transition. U is not perfect aligned yet)
    - all furnaces support hardCrafting smelting recipes (2 output slots)
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2015-12-30
    - Integration with fluid-barrel
    - Technology to enable Pulverizer, Crusher
    - clean up recipes position
    - Easier, cheaper train setup, but wagons carry only half the items (more trains yeah!)
    - Different symbol&image for incinerator
    - Technology for incinerator
    - Renamed recycler to incinerator
    - different robot/ engine recipes
    - landfill integration
    - copper production Tier3
    - copper production Tier1&2
    - recycle ammo, armors
    - gravel -> stone-bricks
    - Recycler works for all items (data-final-fixes), guns, templates
    - custom recipes for intermediates processing (iron)
    - icons for intermediates (iron)
    - Ore patch recipes iron
    - Recycler