Grand Unified Factorio Theory

Unified equipment grids, smarter ore spawning, better integration of mods, and much more. Make rare ores actually rare. Make belt tiers beyond 2 meaningful. Put equipment from any (supported) mod into any (supported) armor or vehicle, or even just allow player equipment in vehicles. Remove barrel logistics entirely. Plus many more things I can't fit in this summary. And every gameplay-altering effect can be toggled in settings.

2 years ago


  • Can you add support for Mod X for the equipment/ore/etc. overhauls?

In general sure, but you might need to help me out by explaining how they work because I don't have time to play every mod myself to learn how they work.

  • Can you merge Mod X and Mod Y better?

Again, in general, sure, but I'll need to know what that means. Depending on complexity this might be a low priority thing.

  • Can you make Mod X work with Mod Y (because it currently doesn't)?

This is more of a challenge. If it's a simple thing like recipes that wind up with circular dependencies where you can't actually make it, or a technology that can't be researched, that's probably fixable. If the game doesn't even load, that might be harder. In particular, Industrial Revolution and Space Exploration go out of their way to make this hard to correct and I have no current plans to support either unless somebody else contributes the required programming.

  • Can you make X balance change?

Maybe. I'm hesitant to doing that kind of thing unilaterally as "balanced" is somewhat subjective, especially in a game like this that isn't competitive, and adding settings for every possible balance change would get crazy. If it's making Mod Y take advantage of Mod Z's materials (as with AAI Vehicles and Angel, as supported), that's probably fine, but "make this recipe cost 20% more" is not a thing I am likely to do. GUFT is built to make these things play well together, not dictate a vision. I will allow an exception for things where the math appears to be not be planned out in the first place--where there's unintended positive feedback loops or a process that is tremendously more/less efficient than another comparable one, that kind of thing.

  • Do you accept pull requests?

Subject to review for quality, correctness, and being useful/consistent with the overall vision, yes. But e.g. if you want to add support for a vehicle mod I haven't heard of, you can probably figure out how that works pretty easily from the existing source, and I'd be happy to expand my support to cover more mods.

  • Can I use this in my modpack/custom server/twitch stream/etc?

Of course! That's the point. Mods are for the community. Go nuts. I would appreciate but will not require credit.