Grand Unified Factorio Theory

Unified equipment grids, smarter ore spawning, better integration of mods, and much more. Make rare ores actually rare. Make belt tiers beyond 2 meaningful. Put equipment from any (supported) mod into any (supported) armor or vehicle, or even just allow player equipment in vehicles. Remove barrel logistics entirely. Plus many more things I can't fit in this summary. And every gameplay-altering effect can be toggled in settings.

1 year, 4 months ago

g Active?

2 years ago

This mod still being maintained ?

2 years ago


I personally only play Factorio once every few months to a year so if I'm not actively playing I won't be working on it preemptively (plus I feel this isn't a mod that really needs a ton of new features since it doesn't actually add much of its own content). However I'm still subscribed to these messages and the github page and will try to fix anything that breaks if somebody tells me. Did something break?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Nope just wanting to know before i get started. Tho i would like a setting to disable the bob's water nodes so i don't have to disable it in the map creation. As Bob's has that setting him self this enables it or something when i had it disabled. make this be gone when setting are un checked

And this if u have any thing to do about it rather than 248k just make sure u 2 not end up doing the same thing.

2 years ago

I'm curious, what's the reasoning on wanting a separate setting for the water nodes? The ore toggles are actually from way back before Factorio had that option itself during mapgen so I didn't really plan on adding more of them anymore once that feature appeared. The ones that are left are meant to be a sort of "this is the type of game I want" thing because if you enable GUFT's ore spawn controller it'll use those to adjust rarities. So I have no moral objection to doing that, it just doesn't seem like it'd add much so I'm curious what problem it'd solve.

I tried connecting the Bob Lab 2 to 248k's researches but I think it didn't really work and I'm not sure anybody even noticed I tried. I'll try to take a shot at it again in the next few days, I can probably do a better general case thing than what I tried last time.

2 years ago

Sure hope u cna fix the 248k science pack thing. Nvm on the water nodes i found it in bob's setting again.

2 years ago

So only about two weeks later than I intended I did get this out. Bob's lab 2 will now inherit all the 248 stuff from the base lab (and any other mods that add stuff to the base lab in the future, theoretically).

2 years ago

Many Thanks.

New response