Ghost Counter

Generate a list of all ghosts in your selection area or the blueprint in your cursor using the shortcut button or hotkey (default: Ctrl+G). Find out what you have in your inventory, and conveniently make one-time logistic requests for everything you need.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistic network Circuit network Blueprints

i Landfill Support?

3 months ago

Thanks for Updating for 2.0.
Just what I was missing.
Have you considered adding landfill/soil support?
Its not something I need badly just something ive noticed missing.

You're welcome :)

I'm not familiar with soil—I haven't had much time to play the expansion sadly. If it's just a type of tile, and there's tile ghosts already laid down, holding shift while making the selection will include any ghost tiles.

Do let me know if that's not what you meant though.

3 months ago

Damn it actually is supported.
My bad I didnt read that carefully.

Thanks for the Resposne :D

a month ago

Just came here for this response, thanks! :D ( I know... RTFM)

New response