Ghost Counter

Generate a list of all ghosts in your selection area or the blueprint in your cursor using the shortcut button or hotkey (default: Ctrl+G). Find out what you have in your inventory, and conveniently make one-time logistic requests for everything you need.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistic network Circuit network Blueprints

b [Resolved][2.0.0] Crash on crafting selected ghosts

2 months ago

Hi, I got this error on trying to craft from the ghost counter menu

The mod Ghost Counter (2.0.0) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event ghost-counter::on_gui_click (ID 1)
'count': real number expected got inf.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'begin_crafting'
ghost-counter/scripts/core.lua:667: in function 'craft_request'
ghost-counter/scripts/gui.lua:430: in function <ghost-counter/scripts/gui.lua:368>

all I did was select my base which had a bunch of stuff queued for upgrade and clicked the craft button. It also crashes on shift clicking the menu selection to craft each individual item

2 months ago

I have the same error. Save game showing this error is here.

2 months ago

Yes the craft button doesn’t work

Thank you Hellbrink for the report, and thank you lacqui for the save file—it was very helpful.

The issue had to do with recycling recipes available for some items and what I presume to be a new recipe property called "extra_count_fraction". Not taking that property into account for some recipes that otherwise had 0 yield for a given product would result in a division by zero and crash.

This is now fixed for the next release.

a month ago

Me as well. See Link below:

I was trying to add the items to a crafting queue to be crafted.

New response