Ghost Counter

Generate a list of all ghosts in your selection area or the blueprint in your cursor using the shortcut button or hotkey (default: Ctrl+G). Find out what you have in your inventory, and conveniently make one-time logistic requests for everything you need.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistic network Circuit network Blueprints

i Feature: Count Deconstructing entities as negative in counter

1 year, 11 months ago

Feature: Count Deconstruction Entities as negative.
Idea: we can mark some entities with deconstruction planner and replace them with new blueprint. Entities that were marked for deconstruction will be reused.

Requested = 100 belts (ghosts), marked to deconstruct = 30 belts (red cross). Select both: ghosts and deconstructing entities.
So, in the popup we see — it requires 70 belts ( 100 - 30 = 70 ).

Optional Idea: Count deconstructing entities only with shift+click or right-click for the ghost counter tool in hands.

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