Ghost Counter

Generate a list of all ghosts in your selection area or the blueprint in your cursor using the shortcut button or hotkey (default: Ctrl+G). Find out what you have in your inventory, and conveniently make one-time logistic requests for everything you need.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistic network Circuit network Blueprints

i Cycle through ghost positions

2 years ago


Still loving the mod, and finding it very useful even in early game :)

One thing that occurred to me is that it could be useful to be able to cycle through ghost positions of a specific entity type in the list by clicking on the item name - this would prove useful when you have a couple of stragglers left over in a fairly big area or blueprint, and you are having issues in locating them.

Couple of ideas on how this could be handled:

  • Simple clicking would take you to next ghost in the "queue".
  • There could be a toggleable option to highlight the leftover ghosts and eventually point to their location using direction arrows.

Best regards,

Thanks, I'm glad you're still finding it useful :)

For the first idea—I'm not quite sure how I would implement such a button without cluttering up the interface. Adding it per row might be difficult because the list I show is actually the list of items needed to place the selected ghosts so there might not always be a 1:1 relationship.

The second idea is simpler, though if there's a lot of ghosts selected, there may be performance implications. Instead of a "toggle", perhaps it could be a "ping" that highlights remaining ghosts for, say, 10s, thereby discouraging players from keeping it on.

2 years ago

Hm... Perhaps there could be a column to the left that would contain a small flat button (I think it could be styled that way) that has an eye icon on it - it could be made rather inconspicious with minimum borders. Mind you, I have not looked into GUI capabilities when it comes down to modding, but for example Task List has an interesting little light/icon next to each task that can be clicked through, and it is quite uninvasive - not sure how such a flat look was achieved.

As for 1:1 relationship, not sure I understand that one fully - generally speaking you would want to see where the items need placement.

As for performance, if it causes issue, it probably wouldn't matter if it's on for 10 seconds or longer. Players will most likely close the ghosts window at some point (which should clear the arrows as well), or get annoyed by the sheer number of arrows (if it's a huge area).

Just tossing some ideas around without (being able to) looking at code. :)

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