Ghost Counter

Generate a list of all ghosts in your selection area or the blueprint in your cursor using the shortcut button or hotkey (default: Ctrl+G). Find out what you have in your inventory, and conveniently make one-time logistic requests for everything you need.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistic network Circuit network Blueprints

b [Resolved][1.1.1] Crash in 1.1.1

3 years ago

Got a crash in SE game, went into nav view mode, scrolled a screen out from character and this happened:
The mod Ghost Counter (1.1.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event ghost-counter::on_nth_tick(10)
Expected character entity or player with character entity.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_personal_logistic_slot'
ghost-counter/scripts/core.lua:217: in function 'update_one_time_logistic_requests'
ghost-counter/scripts/events.lua:139: in function <ghost-counter/scripts/events.lua:127>

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Thank you for the report and for describing what led up to the crash. The crash appears to have happened because an event (most likely your inventory contents changing due to deliveries from logi bots) triggered some delayed data processing in my mod. This processing happened to take place after you switched to nav mode in SE and in one of the processing steps, I wasn't checking to make sure you were controlling a valid character first before making queries that assumed you were.

I've just posted 1.1.2, which fixes this issue.

New response