What if assemblers only assembled? This is an overhaul mod that introduces interesting production chains and design choices. New ores, new concepts, new assemblers, new intermediates -- and new challenges to overcome.
New mod to add to the list: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/big-mining-drill
It's the Big Mining Drill mod, the standalone version of the Big Mining Drill from AAI. Proabably incompattible with AAI too.
A mod NOT to add to the list: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/FastFurnaceRecipes
It works with all Furnace Recipes, but not modded furnaces. (unless the furnaces are copied from the base furnaces and that mod loads after this one and they also don't change the crafting speed. If it is just a multiplier to the original furnace speed, the mod will still work exactly the same for this modded furnace as it will for the regular furnaces)