Fish and Wildlife

Adds regrowing trees and respawning fish.

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

b Bugs

4 years ago


Small error:

The mod Fish and Wildlife caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event fws::on_tick (ID 0)
fws/control.lua:63: table index is NaN
stack traceback:
fws/control.lua:63: in function 'QueueTick'
fws/control.lua:617: in function 'GrowTree'
fws/control.lua:360: in function <fws/control.lua:347>

Best regards,

4 years ago

What other mods are you running? How far into your game did this happen?

4 years ago

I have play about 300 hours, without mods, then I added 3 mods:,,

4 years ago

I just got this error too with a lot of mods so no idea what threw it but was exactly the same as above

4 years ago

Yeah I have some suspicion as to what the problem is and it probably won't be a simple fix.

4 years ago

I get exactly the same bug report, started a MP game and crashed in 10 seconds. I have 111 mods (most of Bob's and Angel's, Amator Phasma's, AAI & Space Exploration, Food Industries, Bio Industries, to mention the major ones). I wonder if this bug comes from when the mod interacts with other mods that modifies natural trees (maybe Bio Industries?). You may want to check it out. Among mods that do natural calculations (about e.g. fish, trees) yours is a well-balanced one, so I hope one way this bug will be fixed. If it can be added to an existing game without causing a crash (which I think so), then in between I happily play without this mod.

4 years ago

Got the same error. Single player, a lot of other mods. It directly happenend few minutes into a fresh game. For what the others wrote and due to kind of similar context I assume Bio industries might be an issue. I have that one too

4 years ago

Edit: Maybe mod Natural Tree Expansion?

4 years ago

Yeah this "update" didn't fix anything, I just made it 0.18 compatible. Fix still upcoming.

New response