Fish and Wildlife

Adds regrowing trees and respawning fish.

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

g Charcoal -> Coal?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Firstly, great mod. I like having a simple way of regenerating land I've cleared previously, it makes the map less desolate.

Anywho, sorry if this is obvious but I was just wondering about this:
"a raw wood -> charcoal -> coal production chain is also introduced."
I can't seem to find how to change charcoal to coal?

I've got wood-> charcoal going but I don't have much use for charcoal in that form.
Any help would be appreciated, keep up the good work!

p.s. It would be nice to have a faster way of chucking down spores in an area.

5 years ago

3 raw wood (or 6 processed wood) -> 1 charcoal in any furnace.
3 charcoal -> 2 coal is done in a chemplant and is unlocked with advanced material processing 2 (along with electric furnaces and production science packs)

In the next version, spore range has been increased from 7 to 9, and fire rate has been increased as well, from 2.4/sec to 4. I hope to have it uploaded in a few days.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Thanks a lot!

That update sounds great too.

EDIT: So I think it's bugged for me, I can see the recipe in the technology window but it dosn't actually have the chemical plant attached to it in the tooltip.
So coal is non-selectable for me.

EDIT2: Ok it was because I had already researched Material processing 2 before installing the mod.
/c game.player.force.technologies["advanced-material-processing-2"].researched = false
/c game.player.force.technologies["advanced-material-processing-2"].researched = true
Fixed it.

5 years ago

Thanks for the fix !

5 years ago

I had mistakenly thought Factorio handled this automatically, without testing/verifying. The next update (which might be a while) will fix it.

New response