Foundry Expanded

by beezelo

Adds more recipes to Foundries: engines, steam turbines, pumpjacks, etc. Allows casting engine units and space platforms directly from metal.

4 months ago

g Suggestion: Molten plastic

4 months ago

Plastics are commonly injection molded, which is a similar process to metal casting. It would make sense to make molten plastic that foundries can produce and work with.

Some possible recipes:

molten plastic: coal+solid fuel - > molten plastic
plastic bar: from molten plastic
Cannon shell; Molten plastic, Molten iron, explosives
Explosive Cannon shell; Molten plastic, Molten iron, explosives
Advanced Circuit: Molten plastic, molten copper, electronic circuit

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

I like the idea for the ammo, but I've seen this mod for a similar thing: or
About the circuits, I think don't think it fits in the theme and it would better in the EM fab expanded mod.

New response