Foundry Expanded

by beezelo

Adds more recipes to Foundries: engines, steam turbines, pumpjacks, etc. Allows casting engine units and space platforms directly from metal.

3 months ago
3 months ago
Latest Version:
1.0.0 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
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1.77K users

Adds a number of recipes to foundries, mostly because needing 300 assemblers making engines is a bit silly and so is crafting non-electric engines in EM plant.

Adds the following items to Foundry:
- engine unit
- pump
- storage tank
- electric mining drill
- steam engine
- steam turbine
- heat pipe
- heat exchanger
- offshore pump
- pumpjack

It also allows casting engine units and space platforms directly from molten metal. Both of those need a small amount of metallurgic science to unlock.

The recipes have been chosen based on what "roughly makes sense" for a Foundry to produce. Yes, it could make a lot more and still be believable (like electric smelters or rails) but I tried to stick to almost wholly iron-and-copper buildings that weren't too advanced technologically (so no roboports or nuclear reactors). Honestly, I made it purely because engine units really didn't fit in EM plant and then threw in a bunch of other stuff for no real reason.

Foundry's native 50% production works with items which don't accept productivity modules. Said items get the 50% bonus but continue to not accept productivity modules.

No consideration has been given to resource balancing - it's possible some recycling cheese is possible. If it bothers you, remember that it's you who controls which items get recycled.

The original idea was to make engine unit production a fair bit slower (roughly 2x as fast as in assemblers) and to cast directly from metal. Unfortunately casting from metal prevents setting quality, unless with some janky setup like 100 molten metal + one steel beam, which seemed silly. Adding a new foundry specific recipe would work for keeping crafting speed reasonable, but adds bloat to crafting screen.

In the end the foundry can use the original recipe, now blazing fast due to foundry's crafting speed, and direct molten metal casting for even faster but low quality production.

A small side effect of the mod is enabling crafting of an engine unit by hand, which the base game disallows. To fix it would necessitate adding a whole new category or some other modding wizardry I am ignorant of, so I just let it be - nobody makes hundreds of engine units by hand... hopefully.