Fluid Permutations Fixed

by 123499

Rotate fluid inputs and outputs of buildings

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Realtime or during start up?

1 year, 28 days ago

HOW do you rotate (switch?) the input and output? During startup of the game or realtime in game? If the latter how? Via a button? A key press?

1 year, 28 days ago
(updated 1 year, 13 days ago)

On startup, It creates a new hidden recipe with the fluids permuted.
Then, in realtime, when the player press the key bind, it gets the selected building, see its recipe and its permutation.
Then it gets the previous/next permutation recipe and it sets on the building.

[deleted message]
1 year, 9 days ago

Please add that description to the mod page and maybe show an image of it in action. (How many permutations does it generate? One flip for inputs and outputs each, same as GDIW, or more/less)

1 year, 9 days ago

is it better now?

1 year, 9 days ago

Yes, thank you.

New response