Fluid Memory Storage 🚰

An alternative to flare stack/voiding fluids. The Fluid Memory Unit can store an infinite amount of any liquid or gas. The more fluid you store, the more power it will require!

28 days ago
1.0 - 2.0

i Accessors in your mod

1 year, 2 months ago


A plea, a request. I've used your mod for a while now, and I actually b-line my progress largely on THIS one mod. No matter the cost. The ability to just shove the fluids away and not worry about a ratio of consumption has been a stress relief I didn't know I needed.

I have modified your mod in my computer to function more like I wanted it to (I made 3 value edits), and have made my worlds online for others to join. But since I've modified your mod, fresh downloads require me to re-edit or I have to lug around the files already. Today I looked into how to edit parameters for 2 of the 3 edits, and the last one is in control.lua which I can't seem to get to to edit.

fluid-memory-storage_1.4.6.zip:153 defines comfort = 0.5 * entity.fluidbox.get_capacity(1)
I want to edit only the 0.5 to 0.85.

But since Factorio sandboxes each mod, I'll need an accessor (the common "getters" and "setters" that can be called from outside your mod) to modify it.
Would you consider this?