Connection Indicators

Shows indicators when fluid connections, inserters, and miners which are connected or obstructed

2 months ago
6 months ago
Latest Version:
0.1.7 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
795 users

Shows indicators on fluid connections, inserters, and mining drills.

Fluid connections

Lightweight mode (default)

Less cluttered. Only shows indicators when attention is required.

  • Blue - Pipe is connected, or this fluid is connected in another pipe
  • Yellow - Pipe connection is blocked by another entity, or this fluid is not connected
  • Red - Pipe connection is blocked by an entity with fluid connections e.g. pipe to ground. Also when entities with different fluid filters are connected.

When a fluid is connected in another pipe, the indication level goes down.

Full mode (old default)

More colorful. Shows indicators also on active and unnecessary connections.

  • Green - Pipe is connected
  • Blue - Pipe is not connected
  • Gray - Pipe is not connected but this fluid is connected in another pipe
  • Yellow - Pipe connection is blocked by another entity
  • Red - Pipe connection is blocked by an entity with fluid connections e.g. pipe to ground. Also when entities with different fluid filters are connected.

When a fluid is connected in another pipe, the indication level goes down.

Inserters and mining drills

  • Red - When pickup or drop position is obstructed or an open space not served by an inserter/drill
  • Yellow/nothing - Connected to a relevant entity or an open space served by another inserter/drill


  • Enable indicators on fluid connection entities
    • Off - Disabled
    • Lite - Only show indicators on issues
    • Full - Shows indicators in more cases
  • Enable indicators on inserters and mining drills
  • Only show indicators when hovering over entities
  • Ignore entities by name, for compatibility with mods that don't raise events on entity destruction

Known issues

  • Indicators only disappear a frame after entities are removed or changed.
  • Mods that destroy entities without raising can cause indicators to get stuck. Use ignore entities to exclude them.