Flow Control for Bob's Logistics

- Extends Flow Control to Bob's Logistics pipes - Compatible with Angel mods and AAI mods - Supports Artisanal Reskins

2 years ago

g Item sorting bug [FIXED]

4 years ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Filter and item. Can see that items and filter are at 2 different places
Filter pages:
Link unusable
Link unusable
Crafting pages:
Link unusable
Link unusable

4 years ago

Tho at the end am unsure if this is an issue with the game. Since a modder can't fix it, as the game makes it not changeable.

4 years ago

What other mods are you using?

4 years ago

definitely not this mod, god knows what you installed LOL


4 years ago

So way is it your image on the mod ?

4 years ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Link unusable Since this is the last mod I dam installed.
also did u see all images

4 years ago

did you see the very single image i posted? the menu gets screwed by some other mod, from the images you posted i understand nothing post your mod list and i'll see what i can do

4 years ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Link unusable here u go

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I can repro this without much issue. I suspect this is related to the entity sort/group configurations. Crafting/main GUI uses item sort/group configurations. This is something that most modders, I suspect, aren't aware of, because so much about entity sorting/grouping is fubar for most mods.

TL;DR: Filtering/Editor shows entity sorting/grouping, while crafting shows item.

4 years ago

I couldn't reproduce the mess myself, what should i be looking for?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Here's reproduction steps:

Using the minimal number of mods (e.g. turn everything off, then activate your mod and required dependencies), do the following:
1. Start a new game.
2. Open the console, and type /editor (twice) to bring up the editor.
3. Click on the "Entities" tab (Assembling machine icon)
4. You should see this: https://i.imgur.com/jkJo9eW.png and https://i.imgur.com/XR1r3Vf.png

Basically the "Filter/Entity" menu and the "Crafting/GUI" menus are not the same thing, so you have your item sorting working properly, but entity sorting is not configured properly. You can see the same situation with the Editor as when you open the filter GUI by clicking on a Filter Inserter.

This is actually fairly typical, too: https://i.imgur.com/B6AD8iz.png

4 years ago

dotting the T's and crossing the I's... god I love reading threads like this in the morning :D
@OldSkoolMatt I have struggled with this on many occasions, I'm starting to do it out of habit more these days now though.

4 years ago

also... this may actually be a bit of "my bad", I worked on the original port for DarkNova the code update was quite substantial. If you want to reference the older ports/originals:
This Mod was officially made by (jgmrequel)[https://mods.factorio.com/mod/flowcontrolbobs] on 0.14 and ported to 0.15 from (qwerter96)[https://mods.factorio.com/mod/bobsflowcontrol]
Man that original flow control mod is old :D

4 years ago

Thanks again for the heads up i really couldn't work out what was wrong, i'll fix it ASAP

That's something that i'll definitely keep in mind for any other work i'll do, and, yes i definitely want to add the proper credits (didn't really pay much attention on Darknova's page)

Sorry for the bitterness, this tiny detail was completely beyond my knowledge, a thread i classed as absolute garbage turned out to be extremely useful, check out the mod in the next couple of days :D

4 years ago

Million Thanks

4 years ago

Tho while u are at it would u add the few items from: Mod RFP ?

4 years ago

Not sure i will, but that's just because i was planning to make another mod to organize the crafting menu of many mods together (starting with bob's) when i do i'll be more than happy add RFP to the list (especially now that i found out what causes this entity/menu issue

4 years ago

TY. Just saying that RFP is have the some Flow Control items so that's way I asked

4 years ago

It should be fixed, let me know if the menu is sorted correctly

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thank I'll check.

Edit: it works perfectly.

New response