Fire Department deprecated

by OwnlyMe

Adds new ways of fire-fighting but your factory can randomly start burning Ever wanted to be a fireman?

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Bot job extenguishing / repair / replace

5 years ago


i noticed that the bots take on a canister and try to extinguish the fire, but it seems they only try once and then switch to rebuilding/repair even if the fire will still burning and there are plenty of water canisters.
so in the end the repair is in vain and the fire spreads still while damaging the bots which try to repair ....

--> the bots should have a priority job of extenguishing the fire, at least when there are water canisters available.....

that happend from my personal roboport because on this location i did not have any roboports, aside from no water canisters

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Sorry but this is not possible.
The bots should always have a task for extinguishing the fire, the only solution would be to provide more bots and less repair packs.
I would love to change this on my end, but there is no way to make an entity unreapairable except to replace it (delete and create a new one) with a copy that has the flag in its prototype, which would create a whole new set of issues.

5 years ago

you create the universal turret?

5 years ago

I think mod needs maintenance
Why do you put fire extinguisher canisher do nothing
and if you use the water canisher the turret turns flametrower

also not compatible with the mod ammo loader
the turret is not automatically supplied with the current ammunition

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

you can fill the water canister in your flamethrower gun, to shoot water
when you put it into the universal turret (you need the newest version), it turns into a fire extinguisher turret
the water canister can also be "built" (on every fire there is a blueprint so bots do it automatically) and when that happens, all fires at the spot get extinguished

5 years ago

what newest version?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

0.17.4 or 0.17.5
but wait a second, maybe i can make it compatible with ammo loader

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

i use 0.17.5 of uni turrets
0.17.2 of fire dep

5 years ago

yes you need 0.17.3 of fire department
i added some tweaks in universal turret so other mods can recognize when a turret is built
the ammo loader mod has a bug that it currently doesn't work.
I'll create a discussion on his mod

5 years ago


5 years ago

inserter chest?

5 years ago

what do you mean?

5 years ago

Filter chest that receive ammo from chest of ammo loader mod

5 years ago

instead of turret it would box placed the insertion

5 years ago

sorry if google translator says it wrong

5 years ago

yeah the only way to do it is manually, but the creator of the ammo loader mod is working on a fix already.
when he fixed it , you will have to specialize the turret first to make it work though. (i think)

5 years ago

How about a copy of your turret with a filter?
then you would not have to move the turret already finished
universal turret
filter universal turret

5 years ago

I'm already imagining you cleaning up this post because of me kkkkk

5 years ago

there is no filter chest, you need to use a filter inserter

5 years ago

but i say the turret

5 years ago

i can't think of an intuitive way to stop the turret from transforming back into an universal turret

5 years ago

I'll tell you another way

create a second universal turret
with a gui to the type of ammunition
what is she going to use

5 years ago

that kinda eliminates the whole point of the mod

5 years ago

just tried to help =(

5 years ago

the only intuitive way thats compatible with pipette and blueprint would be a seperate item, recipe and entity for each turret.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

for some reason the ammo loader is re-stocking the universal turret kkkkk
but also leaves the crazy chest

5 years ago

I'm adding a hotkey to cycle between turrets, which will lock the turret's ammo category.
I found a way to make it work with pipette and blueprints

5 years ago


5 years ago

I'll check

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

yes I get better
just missing the ammo loader respond with your mod

5 years ago

he didnt update it yet

5 years ago

more if the turret was to change was for the ammunition with 3/10 bullets
back to 10/10 bullets?

5 years ago

water turret shoot on biters too

5 years ago

i know

New response