SUPERSONIC High Speed Train & fast large wagon Mod

Adds a high-speed and extra fast train & large wagons to Factorio for travel purposes and fast high quantity transport.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g why so limiting?

6 years ago

this new locomotive tier only accepts nuclear cells or your special fuel, that limitation is bothersome due the fact that some mods provide faster and more efficient fuel (

6 years ago

there is also a modded fuel included giga-fuel that doubles the max speed

also i limited the fuels because mk3 would burn 5-8 coal /s and that might lead to may people running out of fuel very often

6 years ago

I saw this new fuel, but it's still slower than the one I usually use, and the running-out-of-fuel issue should be people's choice, I mean, let people choose what fuel do they want to use

6 years ago

7 fuel slots 50 stack size for coal so at max power (40mw) i will have enough fuel for ~40-45 s
also because of ingame limitations (1 item burnt per tick ) i decided to exclude lost fuels
since there is a certain request for standard i will reintroduce some chemical ones too
(roket solid coal ) the other ones create some isues beacuse of the 1 per tick thing i said earlier
also converting solid to giga fuel is fast and as i remember u gain a little ( MJ) by doing it

6 years ago

its a burner power source limitation i had the same problem with my giga watt mod

6 years ago

The thing is I am not using your giga power fuel, I use the fuel given by the mod I posted you before, and that one gives you great fuel value, meaning that with 7 stacks, 100 fuel units per stack, 150MJ per unit, you have ~1750 seconds of movement in a row

6 years ago

Sorry, if at max power it consumes 40mw, then I you would have 2625 seconds of movement

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

can try and set fuel filter based on fuel-value.
cycle through available fuels in a for loop and if fuel value is > some amount (say >100MJ) , allow it in use in the trains. this should make it work with a variety modded fuels while also limiting it to fuels that won't run out so quickly)

6 years ago

that was my initial idea but it cant be done because of the game engine
but i can maybe add some more fuels from certain mods if i know what what from where(mod)
and the stack size and fuel value
also mk3 can use 70MW that is why i tried to limit it to powerful fuels

6 years ago

That could work for me, please add the 4 tiers of fuel from this mod (

6 years ago

Or at least the last tier of it

6 years ago

Also, could you please update the changelog?, it's very useful to know what has changed in each version

6 years ago
6 years ago

the function converts strings that contain MJ or GJ into a number appropriate to the amount of fuel they actually have, this can then be passed to a comparator before being added or blocked from being used in trains.
you're welcome :)

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

a lightly-redacted example of the log output from the code supplied :

fuel detected: solid-fuel. fuel value is: 25MJ.
converted fuel value: solid-fuel = 25
fuel detected: rocket-fuel. fuel value is: 225MJ.
converted fuel value: rocket-fuel = 225
fuel detected: nuclear-fuel. fuel value is: 1.21GJ.
converted fuel value: nuclear-fuel = 1210

6 years ago

I think fuel value is not the only thing to consider, I mean, it's not the same some fuel with a value of 225MJ, and other with the same value AND 1000% vehicle boost, because the point is not if you are running out of fuel in 8 seconds, the point is if in those 8 seconds the train could go to a station, and back to refuel

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

well you can apply the method i show and just also use a function to determine item stack size and get the item's acceleration value and form a "calculated-fuel-value" relative to others based on the values there and then set a benchmark that must be met in order to be added to list of allowed-fuels

6 years ago

pseduocode: calculated_fuel_stack_value = item.stacksize * item.fuel_value * item.acceleration
benchmark = some number
if item's calculated_fuel_stack_value > benchmark, add item to allowed_list

6 years ago

ill try my best
also i updated the version description

6 years ago

Thanks, and... Just for curiosity what is the normal speed of mk3 trains? Just to compare

6 years ago

Also, stack size is not a very trust worthy thing to consider, due to the fact that Thera are several stack changing mods, I have one of those myself, having my fuel to 500 units per stack

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

exactly: if solid fuel has it's stack size set to 1, that's a problem. thus, it must be included in the equation. you can do a mod-check for various known mods that change stacksizes and check their multipliers directly, but that's not strictly necessary (and not a definitive solution), so check the final result of the stacksize in data-final-updates and use that as one of the variables.

versely, if a type of fuel has it's stacksize set to 40,000 and it has a fuel value of 10MJ and gives 100% acceleration, it's calculated-fuel-value would be higher than a fuel with a stacksize of 1, a fuel value of 100MJ and a acceleration of 2000%. the first fuel would get the train further.

6 years ago

the weight of the train will also impact how FAR it can go, but since we can't really consider that as a variable to decide which fuels should be allowed and which shouldn't, the only ones that matter are the theoretical: stacksize, fuel value, and acceleration. those three combined will give us a rough approximation of the "value" of a fuel type in use in trains. with some testing, and checking the log-output to see what is being gathered from other mods, and what their calculated outputs are putting out and why, you can tweak the settings a bit for the function i gave and come up with something specific for your case.

6 years ago

mk3 is max 40 while mk2 is 15 so its like 9400 km/h
after a lot of attempts i realized that a fuel cant have 2 categories at the same time but i got another idea :
make a quick conversion recipe to a identical item that is slightly name changed

6 years ago

OK... So... What fuels will be abeilable to use?

6 years ago

next update will have last 2 fuels from the thain mod u mentioned a few from py mods and maybe some AB ones if i figure how AB works

6 years ago

Perfect, thanks

6 years ago

by the way, I saw in the changelog that you adjusted mk3 at 30MW, but I just saw that in the game the efficiency is at 70%, when last time was at 90% or so. If the efficiency is lower, then the fuel runs out faster, so the fuel consumption is higher (I think)

6 years ago

I just checked, and still cannot use my tier 3 fuel (and yes, I have the last version of this mod)

6 years ago

Tier 4, last tier, but as I said, I can't use it on mk3

6 years ago

u need to convert it to same item but giga_fuel its a 1:1 conversion ration
ill also chack it fhere is a bug here because i did add a migrate fuel recipe

6 years ago

it is 17:1 here because of a mis type but the converting recipe are there corection wil come tonight i think

6 years ago


6 years ago

update in 10-15 min

3 years ago

just came here to ask for op train fuel compat and see it should work already but doesn't

New response