Factory Efficiency Tracker

by RedRafe

Track and visualize uptime/downtime ratio of assembling machines in real time with colorized overlays.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i Configurable timeframe for efficiency calculcation

2 months ago

Hello !

Looking at your mod (great idea btw), it seems that the efficiency is calculated for the entire lifetime of each building.

I wonder if it would be easy or not to add a parameter to compute only the last X seconds/minutes/hours of play.
A use case is: Perhaps I want to know if my factory production is nominal, but perhaps a previous bug made it non functional for a significant amount of time, screwing the data "forever", and I wish to know if my fix is working.
Also, because of having to juggle between planets, it is not uncommon to have planet "idling" for a significant amount of time, where you need only trace of their output, but perhaps in the future you will come back & significantly improve their efficiency, all the previous data for this planet is irrelevant.

I could deconstruct/reconstruct it to reset the timer, but it looks like a workaround. Or void the entire dataset, but it also look like a workaround.

Could you implement something like this or is it out of scope/ not wanted ?

2 months ago

It could be implemented but I'd say this feature already exists in BottleneckLite or Assembly Analyst: they both can provide feedback on current status & efficiency of your factory instead of the lifespan (I think Bottleneck Lite is just current status while Assembly Analyst is like the last 30s to 5m)

2 months ago

Didn't knew this one, thanks !

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