Eye for an Eye fixed

An attempt to mitigate the 'all or nothing' affect of biters breaching your walls. Biters which damage a structure will take damage.

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Update to 1.1 and compatibility questions

3 years ago

I am currently considering what mods to combine to have stronger biters in end game and this mod might fit in very well.

Any chance you will update it to 1.1?

And does anyone have any information about compatibilities/incompatibilities with this mod? Currently I am considering the Schall's or the Bob's bitter mod(s), so those would be of most interest.

3 years ago

Upvote for (1.1) revival on this mod

2 years ago

well ok, if i can find someone to fix the code again iall repost it, it took me forever to figure out how to fix last time lol

New response