Extraplanetary Production

Adds more and alternate recipes to the foundry, EM plant, and cryogenic plant. Inspired by Foundry Restructuring. Now with full Age of Production support!

29 days ago

i A few more suggestions…

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Since my last post, I got a few more ideas… So I decided to compile them all into one post. It may be a little long, I hope you don’t mind…

1) Inserters in EMP (it can handle electric engines, so why not inserters?)
2) Heat pipe casting
3) Personal fusion reactor in cryoplant (it can make the buildable ones, so why not the personal one?)
4) Personal roboports in EMP (it can make buildable roboports, and other personal equipment, so this just seems fitting)
5) The ammonia holmium recipe seems needlessly painful… You have to ship an ore all the way to Aquilo, and then ship the plates all the way back to the very same planet. That’s pretty rough. Maybe the recipe should only use fluoroketone (you know, consume half and output the other half as hot), because that way you could just send barrels to Fulgora. I don’t know, it’s up to you.
6) Maybe the basic science packs could also be made in the new buildings? This one I’m not 100% sure about, as it may be a little OP, but that’s up to you to decide. But I think I picked some good pairings: Purple science in foundry, yellow in EMP, blue in biochamber, white in cryoplant. I don’t think the first 3 are really worth special attention, since they’re so simple and cheap. But if you decide to cover them too, then I think red/foundry, green/EMP, and military/biochamber would probably be the best pairings.

I hope it wasn’t too much. I might edit this if I think of some more. It was really cool of you to implement the last thing I suggested.

a month ago

The suggestions are much appreciated! I honestly much prefer this style of post.
1) Inserters are reasonable and might be added optionally, but I intended to keep recipes that require lots of precise and/or moving parts in assemblers.
2) I had actually already considered this but left it out initially because I wasn't sure how 'realistic' it would be (see #1). However if someone else is suggesting it I suppose I'll probably add it.
3) Reasonable and might be optionally added, but #1
4) Again #1, but also may be added optionally.
5) While this is one of the possible intended methods, it's more or less intended that you ship ammonia to fulgora, as well as the initial fluoroketone since it gets returned. However I also unintentionally made shipping both ammonia and holmium ore have the same rocket per recipe efficiency, where it was supposed to be better to ship ammonia. Ammonia requirement will be reduced to 25% (20->5) in the next update.
6) This is something else I considered with pretty much the same pairings, but I also considered implementing new recipes using new materials for better science production and ended up postponing any science changes. Will be taking a look at it again for future updates.

a month ago

I would like to suggest adding laser turrets to the EM plant, maybe the tesla turrets too :) Thank you!

a month ago

5) While this is one of the possible intended methods, it's more or less intended that you ship ammonia to fulgora, as well as the initial fluoroketone since it gets returned. However I also unintentionally made shipping both ammonia and holmium ore have the same rocket per recipe efficiency, where it was supposed to be better to ship ammonia. Ammonia requirement will be reduced to 25% (20->5) in the next update.

Oh, I somehow completely missed the fact that this mod makes ammonia barrelable. My bad. The recipe makes much more sense if that's the case.

a month ago

I would like to suggest adding laser turrets to the EM plant, maybe the tesla turrets too :) Thank you!

Laser turrets are a good shout, but tesla turrets are already made only in EM plants.

Oh, I somehow completely missed the fact that this mod makes ammonia barrelable. My bad. The recipe makes much more sense if that's the case.

Well that's actually my bad because this mod does not in fact do that lol. I had forgotten to check! I'll be making it barrelable in the next update.

New response