Extended Vanilla: Mining & Drills

This mod adds multiple new tiers of electric mining drills with their relative techs through the game progression that are fully customizable in terms of hps, speed, base production, emissions per minute and consumption via startup settings. Advanced big mining drills for SA are in program. Repices are modified by: Ev Refining.

5 days ago
1.0 - 2.0


The Extended Vanilla Modpack:

The plan to introduce an overhaul to the game is still there, and I've done some interesting work in the past years,
but I realize that there's no meaning in continuing for now.

The factorio "space age" update is coming, and it seems to be really huge:

  • I want to see from a modding view how these different planets can affect your progression.
  • I want to see how the new ORES will change this game. (And therefore how I can use them in my mods.)

So I'm stopping the development of the "intermediates" section until this update comes out.
Once it happens I'll update this section with my thoughts.

Until then, I'll focus on the already released mods... and on compatibilities: yeah for the first time in this mod development... I'll focus on other mods. (Lmao)
Feel free to ask me in the comment section what mod you would like me to boost with my utilities.

Brevven mods compatibility:

  • All the drill-minable ore patches can be mined by my drills. This applies to Bz mods and to any other mod that adds ores.
  • What do you think about the custom recipes? Feel free to write down your thoughts.

Krastorio 2 compatibility:

  • Working on this compatibility is not an easy thing if we're talking about balancing, but I've done my best.
  • Progression rewards you if you decide to do all the recipe chain, otherwise you need a LOT of resources in comparison.
    (Makes no sense that you can easily craft a machine that can be so game-changing.)
  • The actual numbers and stats of the drills remain unchanged, but you can still change them via settings.
  • Recipes are customized and balanced around the K2 intermediates and technologies.
  • The Krastorio drills remain untouched and are a "wide mining area" alternative.
    (Therefore it depends on your need and the situation.)

Other compatibilities:

  • Just ask, but please, gimme me some information on the mods you like as I've probably never played them.

(FAQ lastly updated: 18.03.24)