Extended Vanilla: Mining & Drills

This mod adds multiple new tiers of electric mining drills with their relative techs through the game progression that are fully customizable in terms of hps, speed, base production, emissions per minute and consumption via startup settings. Advanced big mining drills for SA are in program. Repices are modified by: Ev Refining.

5 days ago
1.0 - 2.0


Version: 3.1.3
Date: 2025.03.21
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=quantum-processor] Fixed some crashes and things.
    - [recipe=big-drill-upgrade] Since v2.0.42 the mod would crash for a different way the sprites are arranged
      in the big mining drill entity prototype. This issue has now been fixed.
Version: 3.1.2
Date: 2025.03.01
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=quantum-processor] Forgot to fix some things yesterday bruh.
    - [recipe=big-drill-upgrade] The big drill upgrade recipe from the electric mining drill mk2/3 is now disabled
      by default. You need to research it first to use it. (Thanks to FlameField from the modpage.)
    - [recipe=edrill-0to1] Also the burner mining drill upgrade requires the electric mining drill [technology=electric-mining-drill] technology
      to be researched first. (It should work at least. Sometimes the recipe is shown sometimes
      not, maybe the mod configuration I'm using is creating some issues, dunno.)
Version: 3.1.1
Date: 2025.02.28
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=quantum-processor] Happy new year guys. Sorry for the waiting. Each year starts with a tougher and tougher
      exam session, and finiding enough neurons to code the game was difficult for me.
      But here we are: time to get back on the track.
    - [item=quantum-processor] The initial releases of the year will be focused on optimization and resolving all the issues that
      you've found up to now, with some minor changes or content releases. Then we'll get back on the schedule.
    - [recipe=edrill-2to3] Fixed all the recipe denomination. (Yeah, nice copy-paste errors here as always. Sorry about that.)
      (Thanks to Samario, kaedys from the modpage. Thanks to dlloyd117 from the discord server.)
    - [item=electric-mining-drill-mk3] Entities are now (finally) associated with their relative icon... and not the mk1.
      (Yeah it was time wasn't it? Not a gamebreaking issue, but it was annoying to see this thing when hovering on an ore patch.)
      (Thanks to CarlosRojasCu's report on the discord server.)
    - [item=electric-mining-drill-mk4] Now when you choose the mk3 as the maximum tier researchable, guess what, you
      can't see the mk4 tier in game. (Sincerely, I dunno how the hell I missed all these things while coding, but thank you all guys.)
    - [item=big-mining-drill-mk2] The mk2 mining drill now yelds... the mk2 mining drill... as it should have always done...
      (Thanks to Speedy and dlloyd117 from the discord server, and to Samario and kaedys from the modpage.)
    - [recipe=big-drill-upgrade] The big drill mk1's recycle recipe now recycles the mk2 or mk3 normal drill
      depending on the maximum tier unlockable. (Via startup settings. Otherwise how the hell can you use that recipe...)
    - [item=electric-mining-drill] The changes to the vanilla textures were moved from data-final-fixes.lua to data.lua, so that
      other mods can change this mods' assets without the risk of causing crashes. (Thanks to Ingo_Igel from the modpage.)
Version: 3.1.0
Date: 2024.11.20
  Thoughts & News:
    - [space-age][item=big-mining-drill-mk2] This mod really deserves an update, doesn't it?
  Space Age features:
    - [item=electric-mining-drill-mk2] Mk2 and Mk3 normal mining drills can now be crafted in foundries. (Definitively needed.)
    - [item=big-mining-drill-mk2] Added a brand new Big drill mk2 to the game.
      It is a post Vucanus & Fulgora structure, and these are its stats. (All EDITABLE via settings.)
      - [item=productivity-module-3] Resource drain: 30%;
      - [item=speed-module-3] Mining speed: 5x;
      - [item=quality-module-3] Module slots: 5;
      - [item=efficiency-module-3] Energy usage: 1MW;
    - Various minor code tweaks as always. (For example, now it should be possible to translate every item, recipe and entity of the mod.)
    - [item=electric-mining-drill-mk3] Graphic assets were moved to Extended Vanilla: Assets.
      This as already explained in other changelogs helps me update faster and you to download faster big updates or small patches.
    - [item=productivity-module-3] Fixed a bug that would make the game crash when trying to change the base resource drain
      of the normal mining drills.
      (Thanks to letimineur from the mod page.)
Version: 3.0.3
Date: 2024.11.20
  Thoughts & News:
    - [space-age] Time to balance the cargo capacities of the drills.
    - [item=quantum-processor] Some other bugfixes. (How lovely are item sounds?)
    - [space-age] Cargo capacities were rebalanced: now you can fit a stack of every tier of mining drills in every rocket you send to space.
    - I'm currently aware of this bug that's affecting multiple mods at the same time, and trying to work on a solution.
    - Since the Factorio steam version updates later than normal, I'll have to ask you to give me some feedback about this problem.
      (In other words, I can't replicate the bug by myself. I hope this update is enough to fix it.)
    - The mod_name variable is now an internal variable of each mod instead of it being a global one.
      (Never caused any bug, but better prevent it from causing problems.)
    - Now mining drill entities have a correct display in the blueprints and upgrade planners.
Version: 3.0.2
Date: 2024.10.25
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=quantum-processor] Some other bugfixes.
    - Fixed additional resource drain (base productivity) stats for the drills, the base values are the following:
      - Mining drill mk1: 100%;
      - Mining drill mk2: 100%;
      - Mining drill mk3: 100%;
      - Mining drill mk4: 100%;
      - Mining drill mk5: 100%;
      - Mining drill mk6: 100%;
Version: 3.0.1
Date: 2024.10.25
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=quantum-processor] Here you are the first bugfixes as expected.
      (I always forget something...)
    - [item=big-mining-drill] Also I'm starting to add some fresh new content for the Dlc.
  Space Age features:
    - [technology=electric-mining-drill-mk3] Now the mining drill mk3 is required to research the big mining drill you can obtain on Vulcanus.
    - Added a recipe that allows you to upgrade the mining drill mk3 to the big mining drill.
    - [item=big-mining-drill] Resprited the big mining drill: two tiers will be added in the future updates.
    - Mod settings and descriptions were updated.
    - [item=big-mining-drill] The thumbnail was updated.
    - Fixed a bug that made you crash if you had not ev refining or armors installed.
      (Thanks to daz96050 and AzureShark for the report on the mod page.)
Version: 3.0.0
Date: 2024.10.25
  Thoughts & News:
    - [item=quantum-processor] The mod has been fully updated to factorio 2.0.
      Now the balancement phase begins here too. :3
    - As the other mods, the base vanilla experience won't change.
    - What will change is the progression with SA.
  Major features:
    - The mod is now fully compatible with Factorio 2.0, both with and without SA enabled.
      - Ratios, technologies and everything else remains UNCHANGED for the base game if you don't enable the Dlc;
      - Optional dependences with other non-Ev mods (Krastorio, Brevven) only work for now in this sense;
        (I don't know when (and how) these modders will update their mods, so until then we stick to vanilla and EV.)
  Space Age features:
    - [technology=electric-mining-drill-mk3] Ev Mining drills are now limited to the mk3 tier, researchable right before space science.
    - 2 tiers of big mining drill are about to be released. Progression here is similar to Ev Logistics.
    - [item=electric-mining-drill-mk3] Icon sizes were reduced to 64x from 128x and updated to feel more fresh and match the modpack and vanila appearance.
    - [technology=electric-mining-drill-mk2] Electric mining drill mk2 now requires mk1 to be researched.
    - [technology=electric-mining-drill-mk3] Technology sprites were updated to match the vanilla one.
Version: 2.1.0
Date: 2024.03.18
    - Introduced cross-mod compatibility with the Krastorio2 mod.
  Krastorio2 Compatibility:
    - All settings are still configurable.
    - The recipes and time required to craft the drills were balanced around Krastorio2.
    - All stand alone recipes cost even more. (Better do the full recipe chain imo.)
      (Didn't want to remove this feature entirely, but in a modpack like this having
      all this speed and base production at a cheap price is too op Imo.)
    - The Krastorio drills remain and become an interesting alternative to the ev drills in some cases.
      (No base production, but a wider area to mine on.)
    - Obviously fixed game crash if Krastorio 2 is installed.
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 2023.12.31
    - You can now decide up to which tier you can unlock through the game.
    - You can now decide the crafting difficulty of each tier. (Multiplier from 1 to 10)
    - You can now decide the mining drill base stats as hps, mining speed, base productivity,
      emissions per minute and electric consumption. (Multiplier from 0.01 to 100)
    - Drastically reduced crafting times.
    - Reduced the amount of resources needed to craft each tier of drills.
    - Now mining drill mk6 requires effectivity module mk3 to be researched, since it is required in its crafting.
    - Stats were rebalanced: (The custom settings allow you to apply a multiplier to these stats individually.)
      + Hps: from "350", "400", "500", "750", "1250" to "400", "500", "650", "800", "1000".
      + Speed: from "0.75", "1", "1.25", "1.5", "2.0" to "0.75", "1", "1.5", "2.0", "2.5".
      + Base prod.: from "0.10", "0.20", "0.35", "0.50", "0.75" to "0.05", "0.10", "0.20", "0.35", "0.50".
      + Emissions: from "15", "20", "30", "50", "75" to "15", "20", "30", "40", "20".
      + Cons.: from "150kW", "400kW", "750kW", "1MW", "1.5MW" to "150kW", "300kW", "500kW", "750kW", "500kW".
    - Created two dedicated subgroups for the mining drill crafting repices and for the upgrade chain.
    - Changed denomination of the "recycling" chain of craftings to make everything more clear.
    - Adapted the mining drill denomination to the normal vanilla style. (mk instead of MK, etc.)
    - What about quarrys and the famous heavily utilized denomination on modded factorio of "deep mining"?
      I'm currently evaluating some interesting mining concepts, expect some news next month.
      For now: Happy new year, have a good time, and thanks for all the support you gave me on this awelsome game!
Version: 1.4.0
Date: 2020.12.06
    - Updated to 1.1!
    - Added the Electric Mining Drill Mk6:
      + Designed for the best late-game setups;
      + Base productivity: 75%;
      + Mining Speed: 2.0.
  Minor Features:
    - Differentiated the way you can craft the Electric Mining Drill mk5: now it can be crafted
      both with or without the previous mining drill.
    - Changed the productivity per tier:
      + Mk2: From 25 to 20;
      + Mk3: From 30 to 35.
    - Changed the emissions per tier:
      + Mk2: 15 per minute;
      + Mk3: 20 per minute;
      + Mk4: 30 per minute;
      + Mk5: 50 per minute;
      + Mk6: 75 per minute.
    - Changed the number of module slots per tier:
      + Mk5: From 6 to 5.
    - Updated the item and technology descriptions.
Version: 1.3.2
Date: 2020.10.11
    - Fixed the entity icons: now you won't see anymore the icons glitched on the planners and blueprints.
Version: 1.3.1
Date: 2020.10.11
    - Updated the thumbnail.
Version: 1.3.0
Date: 2020.10.11
    - Now mining drills can be crafted in two different ways:
      + Direct Crafting: Each mining drill has its own crafting that doesn't require the previous
        ones (the old normal crafting);
      + Recursive Crafting: The drills now have also an "upgrade" crafting that will allow you
        to recycle your old drills once you'll research a new tier. No more drill waste.
    - Upgrading a tier to another will be less expensive than directly craft the same drill,
      but will take more time.
    - Created some new textures for the new upgrade recipes;
    - Minor changes to the tech icons;
    - Changed the item icons.
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 2020.09.26
    - Removed Mining productivity 4 as a prerequisite for Electric Mining Drill mk5 (I thought that this 
      research existed as "normal" and not "infinite") and so it's now unlockable.
        + Thanks to OldTownRoad's report on the discord page.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 2020.09.25
    - Added the Electric mining drill mk5 for the most advanced and powerful endgame setups.
    - Slightly buffed the healths of the Electric mining drill mk2 and mk3.
    - Slightly reduced the base productivity of the Electric mining drill mk2.
    - Optimised the code with some clear, procedural methods, this should:
      + Simplify me the work;
      + Let me update the mod faster;
      + Speed up the loading process when you start the game.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2020.09.07
    - Created an italian local file for the mod. / La mod può esser giocata anche in italiano adesso.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2020.09.07
    - First release: added 3 new tiers of mining drills (specs on the modpage).