Extended Vanilla: Mining & Drills

This mod adds multiple new tiers of electric mining drills with their relative techs through the game progression that are fully customizable in terms of hps, speed, base production, emissions per minute and consumption via startup settings. Advanced big mining drills for SA are in program. Repices are modified by: Ev Refining.

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

i Translation into Spanish...

a day ago

Hi, I just started using the mod and I see that it only has 2 languages ​​available. I'm interested in creating a Spanish translation if you allow me and if you share or send me some way to access the translation lines... when it's complete I could send it to you if you want. Thanks :)

3 hours ago

Hi mate,
Thank you for volunteering for that - languages are not my best.
You can find everything you need in the mod folder: just open the locales/ENG folder and translate the file you find inside.

How locale files work:

  • The locale file is divided in some "sections" defined by the "[thing-name] / [thing-description]".
  • There you can find each item or recipe that the mod adds, for example the line "edrill-1to2=Electric mining drill mk3 - Mining drill mk1 upgrade" means that the internal name on the left is translated into the name on the right.
  • Therefore you just need to change the name after the "=" and you're good to go.

If you didn't understand something or need some further explainations feel free to ask.

2 hours ago
(updated 2 hours ago)

Ok, noted and tested... I already managed to translate some, but I see some appear in English and they are not in the file.
I will give you names and examples where it is not translated...
Note when hovering over the resources on the right the name of the mining machines still appears in English. I also find there are others that are not in the EN file, they are named: Electric mining drill mk2 (mk1 recycle)
Also in the research window, the name of the effect that will unlock the recipe for the mod appears in English, I think it's just that the lines are missing in the EN file. Everything else works as it should, when you place them in the world they do come out translated. I'll keep testing. Thanks :)

an hour ago

I have the same thing, the names are not translated, even if I add lines.

New response