ERM - Terran Units for Players - but easier

by Boxpipe

Edit to the terran mod making the recipes and technologies not so absurd

2 years ago

g Use dependencies

1 year, 11 months ago

I advise you to use ERM_Terran as dependency and then use data-updates.lua to update the recipes and techs.

The way you do it now will not compatible with future changes from either ERM_Terran change or my core mod changes.

1 year, 8 months ago

Thanks for the advice, not familiar with factorio modding so this helps.

1 year, 8 months ago

Hey Boxpipe

A user experience a crash with this mod installed. It happens when the user launch the rocket.

Do you have time to work together to fix this? What have you changed to make the mod "easier"?

New response