Endless resources

Makes all ore deposits infinitely mineable. Includes modded ores, crude oil and modded liquids. Works in multiplayer and in games with multiple surfaces. In contrary to most other endless resource mods, this one does not convert the numbers on the ore patches to percentages and therefore still has ore patches change their size every now and then and let miners show the correct ratios.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i tenemut compatibility

4 years ago

hi could you make it compatible with the tenemut resource from the dark matter mod?

4 years ago

Could you explain your problem a bit further? I just downloaded this mod: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/dark-matter-replicators-R and my mod worked perfectly fine for the resource tenemut.

4 years ago

You're absolutely right it works I must have been drunk.

New response