Electric Turrets

Adds a small upgrade to gun turrets, electrified gun turrets. They require ammunition and power to work, for a slightly boosted fire rate.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b [fixed] Does not support scripted cloning (and possibly other scripted building) events

4 years ago


Thanks for this twice over -first, for letting me know about on_entity_cloned (I've been a bit lax with checking 0.17 updates recently), and second, for pointing out Warptorio2 - interesting mod concept I'm going to have to try out sometime now.

From my (very early game) testing with warptorio, this should work now, but I have a feeling there's going to be a few edge cases. If you'd be so kind to ping me again if you run into any, I'll look into them when I can

4 years ago

Eyy cheers!~

New response